
Help us keep the church grounds looking good! 

Board of Trustees has decided to perform in-house lawn maintenance. To accomplish this, we need help from the congregation.  If you are physically able to volunteer, please click on the sign-up list below and simply type in your name and indicate the date you would be available and the task you could perform.  
Michael Vaughan has volunteered to be point person on this endeavor; so if you have any questions, please contact him at 843-532-7284 or at  


We are better together! And that means the more we can connect your gifts with the world’s needs, the more we can be a part of the Kingdom coming here! The positions listed below are just one way to serve. If you are interested in serving in other ways please feel free to contact the church office at (843) 744-6669. If you are interested in learning more about your spiritual gifts, the link below. If you’re interested in serving in church leadership or joining our lawn care service team, click the corresponding link!